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Unnatural Funk Band
Strange Happenings / Living In The Past
A trio of Kansas City soul sweepers, from the sprawling midwest burg’s storied Cavern, Damon, and Forte concerns. Bump and the Soul Stompers’ 1970 sweet soul double sider “I Can Remember” was a tail pipe-dragging, low rider classic in the making, had it ever been released. A few years later Jerald “Bump” Scott took his new group to Cavern’s subterranean con-fines to cut the group harmony master-piece “Living In The Past,” but remained unissued prior to Numero’s discovery of the Cavern tapes. As disco was cresting at the top of the next decade, Sharon Revoal tracked her James Brown meets James Bond stepper “Reaching For Our Star”—the last 45 released on Marva Whitney’s peerless Forte label.