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Rega (S21)
Upgrade bundle of the System One, with the Planar 2 turntable, the io amplifier, Kyte loudspeakers and all the cables you need to immerse yourself in the world of vinyl. It's a unique, handmade analogue audio hi-fi system designed to bring you the true Rega signature sound at an affordable price. A selection of our most acclaimed products carefully selected in one convenient package. All three products have a perfect synergy which promises to bring your vinyl collection to life. The io amplifier has a high-quality built-in phono stage, two line level inputs and a headphone socket offering plenty of connectivity options to expand your system even further if you so wish.
All in one box analogue solution
All components handmade in England
Planar 2 turntable
io amplifier
Kyte loudspeakers
Mini remote
Set of 3 metre Rega speaker cable
Headphone socket
Lifetime warranty against manufacture defects